Successful Results Featuring BIOLOGICTM SR2
Make-Way Environmental
A school in Ontario was being serviced by an existing wastewater treatment plant that was undersized due to increasing flows and was unable to meet the Ministry of the Environment discharge criteria. SciCorp was brought in to design new system.
Ontario Clean Water Agency
The operations manager reached out to SciCorp Engineers in search of a solution that would help improve effluent, reduce odors, and improve the overall operations of the plant. A BIOLOGICTM SR2 treatment plan was put in place to resolve their issues.
unicef & Revive Trials
In 2016, Revive and SciCorp International Corp. developed a low-cost micronutrient version of BIOLOGIC™ SR2 called PUNGUZA that is designed to solve problems related to odors, disease carrying insects, and solids accumulation in pit latrines.