Partners Network

If you are a distributor and/or agent and would like to inquire about being a SciCorp distributor or rep, please contact us.

We Solve Odor

The following companies are our valuable partners in providing SciCorp solutions in their regions.


  • W.I.

  • eUROPE


  • ASIA




Maple Bio Solutions Inc

Contact:  Matthew J Rowe, Vice Chair Business Development

CEO:  Jeanette Lourens

111680 Grey Rd. 14 RR3, Suite 400
Southgate, ON N0G1N0

Tel: +1 (519) 807-2295

Maple Bio Solutions Inc

Maple Bio Solutions is a global supplier of Innovative Green Technology providing solutions for the Biological Waste Management Industry. Serving governments at federal and municipal levels while working in diverse industries (Wool/Textile, paper/pulp, Agriculture/ food manufacturing, sanitation etc.). Vast experience and superior customer service allows us to resolve odor problems while optimizing savings and increasing operational capacity, while reducing the carbon footprint.

Supplier of instrumentation & controls to the municipal & industrial market.

LM Ent Water is Ontario's #1 source for innovative drinking water and wastewater products and technology. Conserving our drinking water and enabling more sustainable choices in our everyday lives is why LM Ent Water was founded.


Hinsiblon, LTD

11821 Palm Beach Blvd, #126
Box 232, Fort Myers,
(800) 833-4777



AMBIENTE LIMPIOsoluciones sustentables
Camino Asesores, S.A de C.V.


Tel Mx.: +52 656 363 9587
USA: +1 915 633 9201 ext.350 

Alejandro Noriega

Guillermo Camino

Ambiente Limpio

Ambiente Limpio, es un proveedor de tecnología ambiental y económicamente sustentable que proporciona soluciones en la industria y los gobiernos federal y municipal para resolver los problemas ecológicos, al mismo tiempo que optimizamos los ahorros y aumentamos la capacidad operativa.

Estamos comprometidos con llevar al mercado productos, tecnologías y servicios que sean seguros; que preserven el medio ambiente; y mejoren nuestra vida diaria al reducir los contaminantes en el aire, el suelo y el agua.

Ambiente Limpio, is a provider of environmentally and economically sustainable technology that offers solutions in the industry and the federal and municipal governments to solve ecological problems, while optimizing savings and increasing operational capacity.

We are committed to bringing to market products, technologies, and services that are safe, preserve the environment, and improve our daily lives by reducing pollutants in the air, soil, and water.



Contact:  Luis Diego Chacon Perez –     (+506 8832 2615)
                   Luis Andres Artavia Salazar – (+506 8831 5981)

Apartado Postal 252-1100 Tibás,
Condal Industrial Park, Winery # 7.

Gamps Consulting

Novox is an innovative company dedicated to Oxygen and Water treatment solutions. We provide cutting edge solutions and service to our customers. Some of our customer include Empresa Aquachile, CERMAQ, Blumar among others.



Contact:  Manager Gilmar A. Pires

Oswald de Andrade Nº129,  Jordanopolis
SBC/SP - CEP: 09894-070

Mobile Phone: +55 (11) 99733-4903
Telephone:        +55 (11) 4354-9411

Alpha Water Treatment Brazil

Alpha Water is a company founded through the Know How system, where we seek to develop and distribute equipment, technologies and innovative solutions for various areas of activity such as sanitation, water and effluent treatment, odor control and mining. We are a distributor of major international brands.