Take Back Control Of Odors In Collection Systems & Lift Stations Improve Odor Control at Lower Cost

ISO 9001:2015


Centennial Water and Sanitation District



Odors and FOG accumulation in Lift Stations and downstream sewers causing frequent complaints and maintenance issues.

  • Biosolids were creating major odor issues at the landfill and the municipality was threatening to shut the landfill down
  • As a result, the landfill stopped receiving biosolids for disposal
  • Both WWTPs were then forced to use an out of town landfill - which meant much higher trucking and disposal costs

Treatment Plan and Execution

Collection system engineers engaged SciCorp to solve odor and FOG issues.
SciCorp recommended adding BIOLOGIC™ SR2 to the lift station wet wells to:

  • Stop generation of odors in Lift Stations and sewer networks.
  • Breakdown accumulation of FOG in collection systems and lift stations.
  • BReduce corrosion.
  • Reduces ammonia in
    wastewater plant influent.
  • Reduce odors in sewage entering wastewater plant.

Problems Avoided

As a result of their partnership with SciCorp:

  • Odor complaints from adjacent property owners.
  • Installation of bio/chemical scrubbers at lift stations.
  • Negative health impact on employees caused by odors in the working environment.
  • Corrosion to piping and equipment reduced in lift station.
  • Negative impact on biological processes in wastewater plant elimination.


Shortly after implementing the SciCorp treatment process, testing confirmed that odors had been eliminated from the lift stations and FOG issues had been dramatically reduced in lift stations and sewers.


H2S daily average values

H2S measurements in downstream
sewers reduced 80 – 85%.

H2S in wet wells reduced from 337ppm to below 33pmm in downstream manholes.

FOG layer in wet well and trunk sewer/forcemain inverts significantly reduced.

A significant reduction in Lift Station maintenance costs. 

Odor complaints from workers and
neighbors living close to lift stations were eliminated.

Odor complaints from workers and
neighbors living close to lift stations were eliminated.

BIOLOGIC™ SR2 positively stimulated treatment at wastewater treatment plant.

Low dosage rate of BIOLOGIC™ SR2
eliminates need for large storage tanks and pumping system associated with inorganic chemicals used for odor control.

Accumulated sludge in wet wells and sewer mains “scooped out”.