Take Back Control Of Odors At Your Facility Increase Plant Capacity & Reduce Operating Costs

ISO 9001:2015

municipal wastewater treatment

unicef & revive trials

kitui, kenya

unicef for every child


  • Across Africa and specifically in Kenya, 90% of reported diarrheal diseases and related annual mortalities can be linked to sanitation
  • These diseases are rated as the number one cause for hospitalization and mortality of children under five
  • In Kenya, a child dies every 17 minutes of a preventable diarrheal disease
  • Unicef and government organizations face difficulty in convincing the population to adopt latrine use

A major part of the UNICEF WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) strategy for 2016 – 2030 is a commitment to achieve open defecation free status (ODF) in countries such as Kenya.

In 2016, Revive and SciCorp International Corp. developed a low-cost micronutrient version of BIOLOGIC™ SR2 called PUNGUZA that is designed to solve problems related to odors, disease carrying insects, and solids accumulation in pit latrines.

These problems prevent people from adopting latrine use which contributes to the problem of open defecation in Kenya.


UNICEF and REVIVE agreed to carry out controlled test trials in Kathome, Kitui County, Kenya with specific homes and schools in the community. A selection criterion was developed to select four schools and 11 homesteads as trial sites for PUNGUZA. The trial ran from March 1st to March 30th 2017.

Kathome, Kitui County Results

The results were gathered by technical staff from both UNICEF and REVIVE:

PUNGUZA eliminated the bad odors associated with latrines and enabled children and adults to use latrines with dignity.

PUNGUZA greatly reduced the number of insects in latrines (large bottle flies, mosquitoes, maggots,
large cockroaches) enabling children to use latrines without fear.

PUNGUZA reduced the solids accumulation in latrines by between 1 – 4 feet by the end of the 30 day trial.

PUNGUZA offered an excellent price point, making it accessible to people in the villages and providing employment opportunities in the community.

As a result of the work done with UNICEF:

Equity bank in Kenya is now a country wide distributor of PUNGUZA and is focused on improving sanitation, helping children, reducing open defecation, and creating jobs.