Take Back Control Of Odors At Your Facility Increase Plant Capacity & Reduce Operating Costs

ISO 9001:2015

municipal wastewater treatment

prince edward island, canada

town of stratford WWTP

Stratford WWTP

The Town of Stratford wastewater plant (WWTP) has an average flow of 3,000 m3/day (0.8 MGD) of raw wastewater with a treatment system involving multi-stage aerated lagoons along with rotating biological contactors (RBC’s) located within 200 meters of residential homes, motels, and commercial establishments.


The WWTP was overloaded and as a result was experiencing operational upsets including odor issues, sludge management challenges, and poor effluent quality.

Specific problems included:

  • Immediate action required due to odor complaints being received neighbors
  • The aeration system was unable to meet the DO demand of the incoming flow and accumulated sludge
  • The RBC unites were emitting odrs and had poor biomass buildup on the rotating discs
  • Floating sludge, fats, oils and greases were present on the surface of the lagoon
  • Lagoon effluent quality was in violation of regulatory limits

SciCorp Treatment Plan and Execution

The plant manager contacted SciCcorp to help with finding a solution to eliminate the odor complaints and to bring the plant into regulatory compliance. SciCorp engineers reviewed the plant operating data and developed a treatment approach that involved the following:

  • Application of an initial shock dose by spraying BIOLOGIC™ SR2 over the surface of the lagoons
  • Implementation of a continual does of BIOLOGIC™ SR2 at the influent works of the plant

Increase in lagoon
DO concentrations


Reduction in aeration
energy consumption


Reduction in effluent
TSS, bringing the plant
into compliance with
regulatory standards


Reduction in effluent
BOD concentrations


As a result of treatment, the following results were achieved: 

Odors from the lagoons and the RBC's disappeared

The biomass film on the discs in the RBC's changed from black to light brown

Issues Avoided

By working with SciCorp, the plant operators were able to help the facility avoid:

  • Regulatory enforcement associated with odor complaints and effluent discharge concentrations
  • Damage to the reputation of the municipal government and management