Take Back Control Of Odors At Your Facility Increase Plant Capacity & Reduce Operating Costs

ISO 9001:2015

wastewater treatment

reducing your WWTP CO2 Emissions


Municipal and Industrial wastewater treatment plants consume a substantial amount of energy and are significant emitters of CO2 and as a result are significant contributors to carbon emissions. Municipalities and industries are under intense pressure to make meaningful reductions in carbon emissions and environmental impact. Specifically, treatment facilities see high energy consumption and/or emissions in the following areas:

  • Energy consumed for aeration of wastewater
  • Dewatering, trucking and disposal of biosolids
  • Natural gas used for digester heating

The Solution: Reduce Your Carbon Intensive Operations and Help Your WWTP Flourish

SciCorp has developed and positioned its technology to assist plants in implementing a clear and measurable CO2 emission reduction plan that can reduce CO2 emissions by +/- 25% 

SciCorp has projected that a typical 26.4 MGD (100,000 m3/day) WWTP, with anaerobic digestion, emits the equivalent of 100 tonnes per day of CO2. By compiling “before” and “after” data from a wide range of both industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants using SciCorp micronutrient technology, a 26.4 MGD WWTP will achieve the following reductions in CO2 emissions for the following specific treatment operations. In addition, the WWTP will experience improved treatment performance and reduced odor emissions.

Success Achieved

Total reduction

Using BIOLOGIC SR2 will allow your wastewater treatment plant to reduce CO2 emissions for by an average of 1.0 tonne of CO2 per million gallons of wastewater treated. This works out to a total reduction in the carbon footprint for your plant of approximately 25%. In addition, your plant will eliminate odor complaints, improve treatment performance and lower operating costs.


Tonnes/Day CO2

Reduction in energy used in aeration


Tonnes/Day CO2

Reduction in natural gas use for digester heating


Tonnes/Day CO2

Reduction in polymer used


Tonnes/Day CO2

Reduction in dewatering biosolids generated


Tonnes/Day CO2

Reduction in trucking and disposal of biosolids

Total Reduction in CO2 emissions of 25.9 Tonnes/Day at 26.4 MGD WWTP. This is equivalent to taking 5,200 fossil fuel cars off the road.

Issues Avoided

By implementing SciCorp technology at your WWTP you will avoid:

  • Potential costs related to carbon taxes
  • Increasing operations costs as power costs rise
  • High H2S levels during manure pumping and land application
  • Failure to achieve corporate ESG mandated CO2 emission reductions