Take Back Control Of Odors At Your Facility Increase Plant Capacity & Reduce Operating Costs

ISO 9001:2015

municipal wastewater treatment

odor control

michigan wwtp

A large scale WWTP was experiencing high H2S levels in their sludge that was causing major odor issues. The WWTP manager requested that SciCorp conduct a third party laboratory controlled study to evaluate the ability of BIOLOGIC™ SR2 to control the sludge odors.

The Challenge/Problem 

High levels of H2S and mercaptans in the sludge of a large Detroit WWTP were causing major odor issues for the plant and surrounding neighbors. Specific issues included:

  • Unsafe working conditions
  • Increased odor complaints from neighbors
  • Odor complaints at the landfill where the sludge was being disposed

Testing protocol 

  • The study was created using three different types of sludge: primary, blended, and thickened waste activated sludge.
  • All analysis was carried out by ORTECH Consulting Inc., an independent odor assessment and analytical consultant.

Independent Odor Assessment Results (ORTECH)

BIOLOGIC™ SR2 was found to out-perform all other competing products during all tests that were carried out.

All other mercaptans were reduced to the detection  limit of the measurement instruments following  treatment of the sludge with BIOLOGIC™ SR2.


found to remove 82% of sludge odors from blended sludge that was tested.