Take Back Control Of Odors At Your Facility Increase Plant Capacity & Reduce Operating Costs

ISO 9001:2015

hog manure treatment

hog operations

chatham-kent hog farm

Chatham-Kent Hog Farm


Excessive ammonia H2S levels in both the hog barns and below floor pits were having negative impacts on animal and worker health.

  • High ammonia levels were causing high levels of respiratory/pneumonia related issues in the hog population
  • High piglet mortality due to elevated ammonia levels
  • The ammonia H2S concentrations in the indoor barn air made it difficult for workers to spend any significant amount of time in the barn

SciCorp Treatment Plan and Execution

The Chatham Kent operation found SciCorp and asked for guidance for an immediate solution. SciCorp engineers responded immediately and worked with the hog operation to assess the challenges and develop a treatment approach that involved the following:

  • For the first four (4) weeks of the test BIOLOGIC™ SR2 was added at a rate 1 to 5 L per day to the wash water which was used to wash down the pens and eventually made its way to the below floor pit
  • After four weeks the dose rate was reduced to 2 L per week


Working with SciCorp, Chatham Kent operators implemented a 12-week trial resulting in an 89% REDUCTION of ammonia levels and a dramatic reduction in H2S odors. This significant reduction in ammonia and H2S odors had a direct positive impact on the overall operation, livestock, and employees.

Eliminated lagoon odors and achieved complete breakdown of surface solids and reduced accumulated sludge levels at the surface and bottom of the pits

During the 12 weeks the operation achieved a zero-death rate of new piglets and hogs caused by respiratory related issues (pneumonia)

Average ammonia levels decreased from 25ppm to below 3ppm

Eliminated worker and neighbor odor complaints

Nutrient value of manure enhanced

Issues Avoided

As a result of their partnership with SciCorp, Chatham-Kent was able to avoid:

  • High mortality rates in new piglets and overall population
  • Complaints from workers and neighbors
  • Future lagoon dredging costs
  • High H2S levels during manure pumping and land application

Decrease in ammonia (odor) concentrations in the indoor air of the barn